Orientation for the development of the microchip industry in Vietnam


A country that aims for robust economic development must establish a strong electronic microchip industry. To achieve this, it is essential to create high-tech centers in key economic regions to support research and technology transfer.

In Vietnam, the initial steps toward developing the microchip industry will encounter several challenges. Our most significant difficulties include technology, cost, and market access. Due to insufficient knowledge, industry experience, and equipment, the resulting products may be produced in limited quantities, leading to higher prices and difficulty competing with other markets. Vietnam, with its well-developed agriculture, should leverage its advantages. Applying microchip technology to produce electronic components for control and operation in agriculture can enhance productivity and quality, creating a strong domestic market for this industry.

Vietnam needs to industrialize agriculture by producing chips for applications in precision farming and environmental monitoring. This will enhance agricultural efficiency, mitigate risks during cultivation, reduce manual labor, and contribute to cost reduction and increased competitiveness.

The development of the microchip industry requires supportive policies from the government. To foster this industry, substantial financial resources are necessary for its maintenance and growth. Therefore, the government plays a crucial role in implementing tax incentives and financial support to ensure the longevity and development of microchip technology. Simultaneously, the government should establish high-tech centers that collaborate with universities, facilitating teamwork among lecturers, students, and staff.